Project Two Self Portraits

 Project Two Self Portraits

18mm; ISO 800; f/ 4.0; Shutter Speed 2.0 sec

18mm; ISO 100; f/ 4.0; Shutter Speed 1/80 sec

24mm; ISO 800; f/ 4.5; Shutter Speed 1/30 sec

 22mm; ISO 800; f/4.5; Shutter Speed 1/15 sec

Contact Sheet


  1. Danie, first off, you are killing it! Second off, I really like your fourth photo. The visual weight of your raised arm and your swooped hair on the left is balanced by the green color on the right side of the tapestry behind you. Keep up the good work! :)

  2. Hi there! My favorite of this series is your last photo because of how you filled the frame beautifully without being to close to the camera. The lighting really made your eyes sparkle. I also liked the ones on your contact sheet with the lights in your hair.

  3. I think you did a really nice job with the lighting in these photos! I really like how the last two are so bright without taking away from the darkness of the background.

  4. Piece #2 gives out the impression of a story involving a existential breakdown. Personally, I find those stories intriguing. Congrats.


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